Food Security Plan Consultation

Thank you to all who participated in the Food Security Consultations in May and June. We have had a huge response and great guidance.  We would love you to check out the draft and let us know if its on track, before its finalised. There are plenty of ways you can feedback:

Download the Draft Plan and complete feedback survey here:

Attend one of the consultations

Drop in @ Tauranga City Council, 91 Willow Street, Thus 22 July anytime between 9.30-11.30am

Tauranga Yacht Club Consultation Fri 23 July 10am (RSVP here)

Te Puke @ The Hub Fri 23 July 2pm (RSVP here)

Katikati @ Digital Hub Tues 27 July 10am (RSVP here)

OR you can zoom into this hui (Zoom Link)

Drop in @ Tauranga City Council, 91 Willow Street, Thus 29 July anytime between 1-3pm